1. EN 12844
2. Original text by GK Willcox
3. Engineering Properties of Zinc Alloys International Lead Zinc Research Organization, Inc. Third Edition August –1988
4. DeZign
5. Umicore R&D, Private communication
6. Marcello Gelfi et all.. (2004), Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of Zinc Casting Alloys, Advanced Engineering Materials 2004, 6, N° 10 Ó 2004 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co
7. Les alliages de zinc de fonderie, Centre Technique du Zinc (édité avec la participation de l’Afnor) (1998) © 1984 CTZ
8. Prof. F. Klein, (1989), Effect of section size and aging treatments on mechanical properties of three zinc alloys. Nadca paper G-T 89-083
9. Guide du trace des pièces – réédition mise a jour. Zinc Fonderie
10. E. Gervais, M. Lefebvre, Chee Ang Loong (1985), Properties and die casting of ZA alloys. SDCE paper N° G-T-85-055
11. Zinc; Its Corrosion Resistance:International Lead Zinc Research Organization, Inc. Second edition August 1983 © 1983 ILZRO
12. Zinc castings for close tolerance components. Eurozinc 1994 European Zinc Institute
13, Corrosion resistance of zinc alloy die casting. Zinc Alloy Die Casting Association, London , 1971
14. Designing zinc castings for corrosion resistance. Noranda
15. Guide du trace des pièces – réédition mise a jour. Zinc Fonderie
16. Die cast components – aid to efficient design. Zinc Development Association, London , 1984
17. La conception des pièces coulées sous pression en zamak. Centre Technique du Zinc and Zinc Fonderie
18. Engineering standards for zinc diecasting 1973. Zinc Alloy Die Casting Association, London 1973
19. Zinc Diecasting Guide. Zinc Development Association and Zinc Alloy Die Casting Association 1978
20. Machining and finishing zinc alloy diecastings. Zinc Alloy Die Casting Association / Eastern Alloys 1980
21. Gene O. Cowie, Zinc alloy castings – product design and developments., ILZRO, First edition August 1992 Ó 1992 ILZRO
22. Data sheet – thread strengths. Zinc Alloy Die Casters Association, London , 1995
23. Joining and fixing alloy diecastings. Zinc Development Association / Zinc Alloy Die Casting Association London
24. Les traitement de surfaces – réédition mise a jour. Zinc Fonderie
25. Finishing and electroplating die cast zinc and wrought zinc. ILZRO 1973
26. R Bragg, A computer program for the design of simple heat sinks, ILZRO Research Program ZCA-6
27. S Murphy (1999), High damping zinc aluminium alloys: Their properties and Applications., ILZRO, Ó 1999 ILZRO
28. GK Willcox (1999) , Joining zinc diecasting with threaded fasteners., ILZRO Research Program ZCA-1-6
29. Zinc alloy diecasting – selected corrosion preventative finishes. Eurozinc, Revised by Mazak 2004
31. Assemblage. Centre Technique du Zinc, Zinc information, Fonderie n° 48